Pierce County Intergroup (PCI)

Welcome to Overeaters Anonymous

Welcome Home


Welcome! If you're a newcomer, feel free to attend any of the meetings below.  You can also learn more with this video created by Region One of Overeaters Anonymous. If you prefer, you can reach out to Barbara W. (253-468-6257) or Cindy (253-720-4395) with questions. 

Our meeting schedule is below or see the flyers beneath it for upcoming events, as well as our Events page. Visit our Resources page for newcomer support and other resources. 


Training for those hosting our Zoom meetings has been updated, including a training video. Visit our Resources page for training materials. 

Service Opportunity: We are seeking a new treasurer for PCI. If you are interested, please contact Barbara W. at 253-468-6257. This is an excellent opportunity to serve and connect with other members in PCI. 

Local Meetings (all meetings are virtual unless noted as in-person or hybrid)

*all meetings are open (guests and visitors welcome) unless otherwise indicated as closed (only those with a desire to stop eating compulsively may attend)

Code Legend:

[*] = Handicap Accessible, [V] = Format Varies, [LS] = OA Literature Study, [12&12] = OA Twelve Steps and Twelve Traditions Book Study

Please send any meeting info changes to webmaster@piercecountyoa.org, and we will update the info here on this page as well as pass it on to the OA World Service Office to update their respective meeting lists.

Other Virtual Resources

Flyers for Events from PCI and other Intergroups 

NOTE: Flyers below may be from other time zones.  Look for local Pacific time listed on flyer.  

Together We Get Better!

To find meetings outside of Pierce County as well as phone and internet meetings, visit: www.oa.org/find-a-meeting/